Creating a Legacy for Myself and My family
By Melissa D

Being diagnosed with breast cancer at 30 years old is not something you would normally think about. I was Stage III, HER2/neu+ breast cancer. I thought I was in the clear after receiving chemo and radiation. Well I was wrong! Four years later, I was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer! I cried and I cried! It took me about a month or so, but I knew I had to snap out of it! It wasn’t about me anymore. I have two children. Grown boys who are capable of knowing my outcome.
It was time for me to establish a legacy for my family and children. I started thinking of things I wanted to do. Goals that I didn’t accomplish yet. Trips that I didn’t take yet. I wanted to enjoy life to the fullest! I started thinking of things that I wanted to to do with my kids! I’m not saying write off your life, but if I’m going to have the opportunity to still be around I’m going to make the best of it!
The next year, I went on a cruise, something I never did before. Some may say that’s simple, but not to me. I had the time of my life! I partied all night! I ate ice cream and pizza at 2am. I went to comedy, dance, and game shows and guess what?! Cancer never crossed my mind! I can’t swim and I jumped off a cliff, conquering one of my biggest fears in the caves of Dominican Republic.
It was right then that it clicked in my head. I have been on this earth for 35 years and I haven’t lived. It was time for me to live! It’s sad that it took an illness for me to decide that me and my family aren’t living. Before cancer my everyday was work, activities for the children, cook, and go to bed. The same everyday things. My children deserved happiness. I’m not saying they weren’t happy, but they needed to enjoy life as well. It was time for them to get a break from hearing of my illness or seeing me sick. It was time for them to take a trip. Somewhere they have never been, and they had never been to Florida. I made a goal that it was my job to make that happen. This year, my kids went to Florida! A great organization called “Inheritance Of Hope” helped me get there and they also helped me create a legacy. I am so pleased with the outcome that I am now willing to volunteer and help another family in need. The memories created there I will never forget! We laughed, cried, danced, partied, and that’s what life’s about.
I’m not saying give up on life, but I’m saying live life! Live it today and each and every day you're here. Create great memories that you and your family will never forget and don’t give up hope! All you need is faith. It can be as small as a mustard seed, but it can move mountains. Blessings to you and your family!